PACC Parent and Carer Council

PACC is Shropshire’s Parent Carer Forum. It is an independence parent carer led organisation. It supports the SEND Community within the Shropshire Council area, aiming to help make Shropshire a great place for SEND families to thrive and have the same opportunities as everyone else.

They focus on three key work areas: Influence and Change; Information Provision; and Community Support.

They provide a variety of support offers:

·       Preparation for Adulthood Navigators

·       Buddies and Buddies Jnr Community Groups

·       Activity Coordination

·       Learning and Information Sessions

Their commitment to their community is to empower Parent Carers to influence change in local systems and services by sharing their experiences, to inform families to support them to make aspirational decisions for their children, and to create a supportive community within which SEND families can thrive.

About us (
